• $15,000 Interest Free Loan1
  • $3,500 Battery Rebate2
  • $2,952 STC Rebate3
  1. Can be accessed through the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme.
  2. Can be accessed through the Next-Gen Storage Program.
  3. Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme based on 60 STCs at a values of $36 on a 6kW System in postcode 2600.
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  1. Can be accessed through the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme.
  2. Can be accessed through the Next-Gen Storage Program.
  3. Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme based on 60 STCs at a values of $36 on a 6kW System in postcode 2600.

Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme ACT

Residents and small business owners in Canberra that install a renewable energy system may be eligible to benefit from a federal program known as the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). This federal scheme offers financial incentive by way of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) which can be redeemed by assigning or selling them.

Are you wondering if you’re eligible for this scheme? Download our free guide for in-depth information on the current solar incentives and rebates available in ACT.

Download Our Free Guide

Get a copy of our comprehensive guide today and learn what incentives and rebates are available to you.

Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

When you install an accredited solar system, you generate Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). Upon installation of your system, and the STCs have been registered, you can then recoup some of the costs of your purchase/installation by selling them. It is also important to note that it is common practice for eligible residents in Canberra to assign the right to produce these certificates to their solar retailer, in exchange for an upfront discount off the system price.

For example, in Canberra under this scheme, if you purchase a 6 kWh solar system you could receive up to $2,664 based on an STC rate of $36.

In order to be eligible for this scheme, a Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited solar installer must be involved in the installation process.

Eligibility for Small-scale Technology Certificates in ACT

To qualify for STCs, households must have a small-scale renewable system that adheres to all of the eligibility requirements. Some of these systems include:

  • Solar photovoltaic panels
  • Solar water heaters
  • Wind turbines
  • Air source heat pumps
  • Hydro systems

Did you know? STCs can also be sold through a designated STC market with variable prices that are subject to the current market or through the STCs Clearing House.

If you want to read more about other rebates and programs offered in ACT, fill in your details in the form above to receive a free copy of our comprehensive guide to solar rebates and incentives.

Solar Rebates in ACT

Click on the links provided for more in-depth information about each incentive and scheme offered in ACT.

Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme ACT

Click here to learn more about the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

Solar For Low Income Households ACT

Click here to learn more about the Solar For Low Income Households program.

Solar Feed-In Tariff Australian Capital Territory

Click here to learn more about Solar Feed-In Tariffs in ACT.

ACT Sustainable Household Scheme

Click here to learn more about Sustainable Household Scheme in ACT.

Next-Gen Energy Storage Program ACT

Click here to learn more about the Next-Gen Energy Storage Program in ACT.