Solar Feed In Tariff QLD
Households in Brisbane with an accredited solar system installed may be eligible for a solar feed-in tariff (FiT), which is essentially a payment for electricity that is exported to the grid.
FiT rebates – in conjunction with the savings from generating your own power – can dramatically lower your power bill and help you achieve a bigger return on your investment.
So if you have solar panels, it’s important to factor in both the standard electricity rates and the feed-in tariff.
Do you want to learn more about solar feed-in tariffs and discounts? Download our free, comprehensive guide to get more information on the current incentives and schemes available in QLD.
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What are Solar Feed In Tariffs in QLD?
Feed-in tariffs are not fixed. Depending on your state and the retailer you’re signed up with, FiT rates can vary. In certain cases, energy retailers can offer a special feed-in tariff rate so it is worth comparing different retailers beforehand. In South East Queensland (Energex Network), retailers can assign their own respective feed-in tariff rate for exported solar power that they purchase from a solar owner due to the fact that there currently is no mandatory minimum-feed in tariff that retailers need to adhere to.
It’s important to keep in mind that optimising your energy plan and choosing one that compliments your solar system can help you achieve a bigger return on investment and a faster payback period. A measure of your payback period is essentially the amount of time the solar system will take to pay itself off – generally through these tariffs. In turn, it’s important to choose the right feed-in tariff so you can maximise your ROI.
While feed-in tariffs may not be the determining factor when it comes to the ROI of your system, it is still a viable, cost-saving measure that can pay dividends in the long run.
If you want to read more about other Brisbane rebates and programs offered, simply fill in your details in the form above to receive a free copy of our guide to solar rebates and incentives in QLD.
Solar Rebates in QLD
Click on the links provided for more in-depth information about each incentive and scheme offered in QLD.
Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme QLD
Click here to learn more about the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.
Solar Feed In Tariff Queensland
Click here to learn more about Solar Feed-In Tariffs in QLD.
Solar Battery Rebate Queensland
Click here to learn more about Solar Battery Rebate in QLD.